Novotni, Michele; Petersen, Randy; : Angry with God (Paperback) *
Most people face anger, sadness, frustration, confusion, disappointment, fear, or depression at some point in their lives. We know that we need to get to the root of the problem in order to fix it. But what happens when we feel like God is the root of the problem? What do we do when we are angry with God?
Psychologist Michele Novotni noticed that many of her clients who were working through their anger with people had a parallel need to work through their anger with God. Beneath the psychological issues, many people also silently struggle with their faith.
Yet, many are afraid to give voice to this anger. They’re told that “good” people, “people of faith,” accept what happens without asking questions. Unvoiced thoughts are forced underground, leaving people feeling disconnected and angry with God, but unable to do much about it.
Novotni and Petersen help readers break the silence. It’s not easy making peace with a silent God who seems to have declared war on you. And this book won’t try to talk readers out of their anger, but it will talk them through it, presenting them with an image of a compassionate God who continues to love them.
- Description
Angry with God by Michele Novotni and Randy Petersen (paperback)