Parker, Steve : Extreme Bugs: Creepy and Crawly, Mad and Bad! (Hardback) *


Availability: 1 in stock SKU: 9780764162886


The world is filled with bugs–and with kids who love to examine bugs and find out everything they can about them. When boys and girls open this book, they’ll discover everything they’ve ever wanted to know about insects and many other creepy-crawlies. The author’s lively text is complemented with great illustrations, magnified bug photos, flaps, fold-outs, mini-booklets, a bug “movie” wheel to turn, and a fun quiz at the back of the book. Here are insects, spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and tarantulas. Here too is the insect world’s top flying predator, the dragonfly, and the tarantula hawk wasp, a lethal flyer that takes its name from its instinct for killing tarantulas. Kids will discover that the cicada is the world’s loudest animal in relation to its size, and they’ll look into the complex hive of the honeybee. Each two-page spread features a different category of bug, including insects with killer stings, masters at flying, bugs that make noises, and bugs that are simply disgust

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