Addison, Steve : Your Part in God’s Story : 40 Days From Genesis to Revelation (Paperback) *
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When Jesus rose from the dead, he found disciples who were defeated and disillusioned. Just like us. But in the forty days between his resurrection and his ascension, Jesus restored and prepared them for their worldwide mission. Spend forty days with Jesus as you explore forty decisive moments from Genesis to Revelation and discover your part in God’s story. Invite Jesus to do for you what he did for those early disciples. He met them in their failure. He opened their minds to his Word. He showed them their part in God’s story. He promised the power of the Holy Spirit. Then he set them loose on the world.
Availability: 1 in stock
SKU: 9781735598895
- Description
Your Part in God’s Story: 40 Days From Genesis to Revelation from Steve Addison (Paperback)