Why Headless Chickens Run and Other Bonkers Things You Need to Know by Michael Cox


Availability: 1 in stock SKU: 9781407116495


This book is so full of completely crazy facts that you’d be forgiven for thinking they weren’t true. Discover such mind-boggling miscellany such as: How 21 people once drowned in treacle The doctor who deliberately swallowed his patients’ puke Why babies were once kept in cages How to hypnotise an alligator What a ‘snollygoster’ is Who took 55 years to finish his Olympic marathon run What objects hundreds of children get stuck up their noses every year! Plus loads more! Dive in and be completely flabbersmacked, gobghasted and possibly even Why Headless Chickens Run and Other Bonkers Things You Need to Know

by Michael Cox

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 2 cm

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